How To Get Your Site Out Of The Google Spam Filter? Yes, you heard the truth. It is a real story of a blogger who shared with me. Hope this story will solve your problem. Have a look!
We looked at this picture with sadness. But there was nothing to do – it was necessary to do something urgently. A year later, after spending 300 business hours, we managed to get the site out of the ban. In this article, I will describe how we succeeded, how much effort it took, and what actions should be taken in such a situation.
Table of contents
Examining The Problem In Google Spam Filter
- First, I decided to study all the forums on this issue and Google’s help. But in the end, I realized that there were no clear and structured recommendations on this topic. Simply put, no one really could say precisely what needs to be done to remove Google spam filter from the site.
- Then I started looking for at least some literature with successful cases. And I came across an English-language book, “The complete guide to unnatural links recovery.” The book is paid for and costs $90, but I bought it and read it cover to cover. After reading, there was an understanding of what to do.
In this article, I will describe the entire algorithm of actions that need to be done to lift the Google sanctions. This is not just a summary of what you read. Here’s my experience of pulling a site out of Google spam filter.
What Is Definitely Not Worth Doing?
- I do not recommend writing angry letters to Google, especially since this will not solve the problem. Google employs people like you and me who do their job. There is no need to cheat and send requests to Google for revision without working with external links to your site.
- Google employees should see your suffering 🙂 Google Spam Filter is a punishment, and you should sweat a lot to get the site out of the ban. This is part of the plan, and you either accept the rules of the game or are left without natural traffic from the search engine.
- You can’t just get out of the Google ban. It took us six months of diligent work. According to the most conservative estimates, this took about 300 business hours. I hope you can fix the problem faster with this article.
So you’ve found a dramatic drop in traffic from Google. How to understand precisely because of the sanctions that the search engine applied to your site?
How To Get Your Site Out Of The Google Spam Filter – Step By Step Guide
First Step: Check Whether Google Spam Filter Hit Your Site?
You can find out if you go to the Google Webmaster Tools panel for the webmaster. In the menu on the left, select “Search Traffic,” then “Action taken manually.” If filters have been applied to your site, you will see a message about this. I can’t clearly show you since Google removed these measures from us before I guessed to take a screenshot.
Second Step: Looking For A Reason
First of all, I figured out what those links were that didn’t follow Google’s quality guidelines. The Google Webmaster Guide provides details on link management techniques that are not recommended. Think about what could be the reason. Maybe you hired an SEO company or purchased links and articles yourself through link exchanges, then Click Here. Or maybe you are using link exchange schemes.
In 2011, we worked with an agency that promoted our website by purchasing perpetual links and SEO articles. And even though in January 2012, we terminated the contract with them and did not promote the site using SEO methods for a whole year spam filter, in March 2013, Google sent us a letter of “happiness.”
After examining the recommendations of Google, I identified several main reasons due to which, most likely, our site could go to the ban:
- SEO articles and perpetual links
- Links in SEO directories and SEO bookmarks
- A large number of end-to-end links on third-party non-thematic resources
- Spam links, incl. forum spam
- Doorways
Third Step: Unloading External Links
To start working on identifying low-quality links and eliminating them, you need to create a file and upload all external links leading to your site. The main reason for this Google requirement is that other files may contain viruses and malware. Therefore, Google employees will ignore MS Excel files, but they will accept them in Google Docs tables.
Where can I get these external links? To do this, use the tools Google Webmaster Tools
How to unload links. Go to the Webmaster Tools panel on the left in the main menu, select “Search Traffic,” then “Links to your site.” We are interested in the “Most Cited” section. Click on “Advanced” and download the latest links in Google spam filter. Let me remind you that when uploading links, select the “Google Docs” option.
Fourth Step: Create A Link Table
Open a Google-generated spreadsheet with links uploaded. Column “B” shows the date that Google discovered this link. Name it “First Discovered.”
Let’s create a few more columns that we need (I’ll explain later):
- C – Needs to be removed? (Need to remove?)
- D – Disavow? (Reject?)
- E – Contact email found on site (Contact email, found on the site)
- F – First name of the contact (Contact person)
- G – Whois email (email found in whois)
- H – First name of Whois contact (The name of the owner of the email found in whois)
- I – Email reference # (a serial number indicating the sent email)
- J – Url of the contact form (Link to the contact form found on the site)
- K – Contact form reference # (a serial number indicating the sent letter through the contact form)
- L – Comments.
Fifth Step: Creating A List Of Statuses
I got a table with a massive list of links – about 12000. The task was to check each link from the unloaded list and assign it one or another status. The goal is to determine which of the links, subsequently, need to be deleted and which ones should be kept. In the process of working with links, each of them in the column “C” – “Needs to be removed” must be assigned one of the following statuses.
Sixth Step: Letters To Webmasters
If you do not have many links to check, then write letters to webmasters after the work on the entire list of links is done.
Since I had a massive list of links (12000), I sent emails as soon as I found links to be removed.
An important detail. Webmasters need to send letters from their mailbox to Gmail. So, I recommend creating a separate box in advance. You can use the existing one, but, in my opinion, the separate one is easier to work with. For example, I sent several letters to publishers a day and received several responses, respectively. Therefore, I created a separate box.
Hope you like this 5 steps guide about “How To Get Your Site Out Of The Google Spam Filter”.
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