Worst Website Mistakes with Proper Solutions

Your website tells your customers and clients a lot about you. It’s often the first thing they come across when they search for you online. Your website may even be a great lead generation tool. Unfortunately, there are a ton of worst website mistakes that many small businesses make because they don’t know any better.

When it comes to building a website, your primary concern should be the website user, aka your customers. Consider what they need your website to do and what they could use it for. Here are some of the worst website mistakes you can make and how to fix them.

8 Worst Website Mistakes And Their Solutions

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Confusing and Hard to Navigate

One of the worst website mistakes is bad navigation. Your customers and clients need to use your website to get information.

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If you’re an eCommerce business, your website is even more critical, and you need easy navigation. When users land on your site, they need to be able to find what they’re looking for.

Websites that aren’t user-friendly have high bounce rates and low sales because your customers can’t find your products.

Solution: To improve your website navigation, you can add a search bar and ensure your links are up to date. You can also list essential pages in your navigation bar so that people can easily click them. There’s no reason to make your customers click through five links before they can find what they’re looking for.

Bad Copywriting

Bad copywriting shows your customers that you didn’t care enough about your website to have good writing done. It is one the worst website mistakes because bad copywriting can be incorrect grammatical sentences or writing that doesn’t highlight what each page is about. Take a look at ShareAble For Hires’ website.

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Here you’ll see exactly what their business is all about with just the line, “Background Checks in Minutes Not Days.” With this copywriting, it’s clear what this business is all about. These six words even highlight a common problem with getting background checks performed– they take days to get back, which can make the hiring process longer for employers.

Solution: Hire a copywriter to help you with your website. When looking at resumes, make sure that the copywriter you choose has experience writing for your niche. Next, make sure to run your website through a free tool like Grammarly to ensure there are no grammatical errors.

No Call to Action

Many websites fail to have a clear call-to-action (CTA) or fail to let their users know what steps to take next on each page.

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For example, if you run a medspa, you likely want your website users to book an appointment no matter which page they fall on.

By adding a CTA “Book Now” to your home page and each of your service pages, you let users know what they need to do moving forward. Not including it is one of the worst website mistakes you will feel ooner or later.

Solution: Define the goals of what you want your visitors to do on your website. Using the medspa example again– the purpose of each page is to get more customers, which can be done by asking them to book online or call for more information.

Each page doesn’t need a separate CTA. Depending on the kind of business you manage, you might only need one CTA throughout the entire website.

Lacking a Funnel Through Web Design

Your website should have a good flow design that leads your prospects down a funnel. Websites tend to lack any type of funnel. Therefore, you should direct your customers to the products and services you want them to purchase.

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When your website doesn’t have a funnel, your customers lose out on learning about your products and services, and you miss out on sales.

Solution: When set up correctly, your website can convert. Have a strategy throughout your website by creating a funnel that leads your traffic down a path of hitting a conversion goal, whether it’s through booking an online appointment or making a purchase.

Blocky Text and Never-Ending Paragraphs

When people visit a website, they don’t expect to read a long article. Instead, they wish to learn about the business as quickly as possible. Very few people are likely to visit your website and stick around if they see long paragraphs of blocky text with nothing breaking them up.

Solution: Break your website copy into organized sections to make everything less intimidating to look at and easier to understand.

No Transparency

When someone is looking at a business website, they want to learn about the business and the products as well. Your website should be transparent about everything from product pricing to what you do. There’s no reason to make your customers guess about anything that involves your business.

Solution: Make your website more transparent. If you want to use your website for sales, make sure that you list your pricing on each service or product page so that people know what they’re getting into.

Listing your pricing also allows them to do more research into your company and compare you to your competitor. 

Slow Page Speed

If your website doesn’t load fast enough, people are likely to leave and go to the next one. Not only does site speed affect your search engine optimization and rankings, but it can impact your conversions.

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Anyone who has to wait too long for a page to load will leave the page and never return.

So, it is also one of the worst website mistakes if you do not make a fast website.

Solution: You can improve your site speed by compressing your images. Make sure you check your speed on websites like Google PageSpeed Insights so you can learn how fast your website is. If you need help getting your website to load quicker, it’s always a good idea to work with web developers who can help ensure that your website is responsive and loads fast.

No Testimonials

Social proof and testimonials are more important now than ever. When someone shops online for anything, they want to read reviews before they buy. Without reviews or testimonials, you can’t build trust with your prospective customers. Social proof lets your customers know why they should shop with you over anyone else.

Solution: Use your email marketing software to ask for reviews and testimonials from current customers in exchange for a deal of 20% off their purchase. You can use these reviews on your website and across all of your marketing efforts.

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Matt Casadona

Author Bio: Matt Casadona has a BS in Business Administration, with a major in Marketing and a minor in Psychology. Matt Casadona is passionate about marketing, business strategy and enjoys San Diego life, traveling, and music.

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