We’ve talked about the importance of a good checkout page design before, but it’s worth discussing from a different perspective. While there are many ways to make your site intuitive and straightforward for visitors, this article focuses on ideas to design a compelling checkout page to keep customers making purchases from you.
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Why You Must Design A Checkout Page For High Conversion Rates?
The answer is similar to all other elements related to sales. The key is understanding the customer. If it’s easy for them to purchase products or services using your brand, then they’ll come back again and again, eventually buying items that aren’t as easy to find online. The opposite is true as well. If a user can’t quickly complete a transaction, you’re not seeing much repeat business from those individuals. So, how do you create a checkout page design that keeps customers coming back for more?
15 Ideas To Design A Compelling Checkout Page For High Conversion Rates
Here are ten key ideas to include in your checkout page design.
Ensure Applicable Credit Card Security
If you’re going to ask users to provide their credit card information, then the transaction must be secure from the beginning. This means requiring SSL certification or at least strong encryption when collecting sensitive user data. In addition, it helps to ensure PCI compliance so orders won’t be processed without this level of security in place. From a customer perspective; if they can see that their credit card information is being protected; then they’ll have peace of mind throughout the rest of the purchase process. Typically, consumers tend to shy away from sites that don’t offer the same protections that their bank does when processing transactions.
Minimize the Entry Fields
It’s essential to keep things simple for customers, especially when entering sensitive data like credit card numbers or frequent flyer miles. All you need is the bare minimum required information to make a purchase; and there’s no reason why you can’t collect more information after they’ve completed the transaction. For example, asking users which stores they’d like to receive promotional emails from (if applicable) during checkout can help increase customer retention by adapting your marketing efforts to fit their interests better.
Clear Checkout Instructions
When it comes down to completing an order, having clear instructions on; what information should be submitted can ease any customer’s anxiety. These instructions can be as simple as “Please enter your billing and shipping information below,” or they can include steps for making monthly payments if it’s a recurring transaction. No matter the case, don’t assume that customers know how to complete their purchase provide any necessary guidance to help them through the process.
Offer Promotions and Discounts
One of the best ways to gain new customers is by offering significant incentives like coupons and discounts. Even if you provide steep discounts on orders over $200,000, those who see it now may wait until an order meets that criteria before completing one missing out on revenue in the meantime! By including promotion codes throughout your site (not just in your shopping cart), you’ll naturally get more people buying from you by having discounts that they didn’t initially expect to get.
Highlight Shopping Cart Values
Shopping carts can often get out of hand quickly, even if just a few items are inside. An excellent way to keep customers aware of the costs (and therefore committed) is to highlight some key pieces and how much it’s all costing them in total. If possible, try not to include shipping costs unless necessary highlighting only the total price. By doing this, you’re encouraging shoppers to make their purchases while simultaneously ensuring that they don’t go over budget.
Allow Customers to Edit Items Before Checkout
Does your shopping cart allow users to edit or remove items; before they’re given the last chance to complete their purchase? If not, then you have an opportunity to create some extra revenue from your customers. Consider offering “add ons” that may have been overlooked in the checkout process; or include an option to modify orders by adding or removing items. Even if it’s just an email button that reminds customers of forgotten things, this type of attention can help increase conversion rates.
Provide Customer Testimonials
If you’re lucky enough to get one, don’t forget to display customer testimonials throughout your site! There are lots of ways these can be used effectively; whether they highlight specific benefits (e.g., “This product helped me lose 10 lbs.”), tell about difficulties overcome (e.g., “This product helped me through a difficult time in my life.”), or offer impressive achievements (e.g., “I used this product to help me run a marathon!”), testimonials can be a surpassing way to inspire repeat customers and encourage new ones.
Add Popular Items To The Checkout Page
When you visit a grocery store, do you head for the cashier once you’re ready to pay? Or do you first compare prices on certain items, only buying them if they’re cheaper than what’s available elsewhere? Adding popular items like bestselling books, DVDs, and clothing products near your checkout page design is another great idea. It is a compelling way to increase conversion rates by giving people more reasons why they should complete their purchase. If they’re already in a buying mood, they’ll be more likely to buy!
Show Customers How Close They Are to Free Shipping
Free shipping is a great incentive for any business offering it. The effect of “free” on customers is powerful enough that even just saying “Free Shipping!” can increase your revenue.
Add notification of how many items are required to reach free shipping levels; and when the cutoff dates are, highlight it on your main page or design checkout page with graphics, colors, etc. This way, customers have clear information about where they stand and what purchases they need to make if important to them.
Make It Easy To Reach Customer Service/Account Management
Even after a sale is made, customers have questions. Whether they want to know about a product’s specifics, please don’t trust the quality of your company or have a question about their order.
It’s always a good idea to provide an easy way for them to get in touch with you. Ensure that account management and customer service contact information is prominently displayed on each page of your site; not just buried in the footer! This will allow people who feel unsure about making an order to look at other options before completing a purchase.
Design A Checkout with A Countdown Timer
Countdown timers can be an effective way to drive up your conversion rate; then tell customers how many days are left before the deal ends; and emphasize this on your site with various graphics and colors. Even if they don’t purchase before the sale is over; reminding them of the sale and encouraging them to return another time will increase customer loyalty.
Make Sure Your Site Loads Quickly
If you want customers to order from you, you need to make it as easy as possible for them! That means ensuring that your cart page loads quickly; even on mobile devices (and since most people shop on their phones now, it’s essential). According to Google, 53% of mobile internet users expect sites to load in 2 seconds or less. Moreover, 40% will leave a page that takes more than 3 seconds to load.
Create an Instant Psychological Impact With “Free”
“Free” is the most powerful word in business. It can boost sales by as much as 50%. If you don’t believe us, check out this case study on removing “free shipping” signage to increase revenue!
So, it is one of the great ideas to add the word “free” to messaging on your checkout page design. It can be a great way to ensure customers include a necessary item in their cart; if they initially weren’t going to.
Add Multiple Checkout Options for Customers’ Convenience
According to Baymard Institute, only 20% of online shopping carts contain items purchased across multiple sessions. A big reason for this is that some people don’t want to create new accounts every time they shop; and others only want to log in once to buy more than one item. Make it easy for these potential customers by adding login icons next to the checkout button on product pages so they can check out quickly!
Make Your Brand a Part of Product Pages
Customers will be more inclined to click “add to cart”; if they’re already thinking about how your business fits into their lives. This is why brands like Target and Nike prominently display their logos on most of their web pages.
Having your brand visible throughout online browsing means that; as soon as someone finds an item they want to purchase, they’ll have a better chance of recalling your company.
Creating this kind of subconscious impact is also why linking your social media profiles to product pages can be incredibly effective in boosting sales.
You must remember these checkout page design ideas for your next web design project.
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