Roblox Error Code 279: How To Fix It Quickly?

Were you excited to play your favorite Roblox game but are getting the Roblox error code 279 issue? Well, you are not alone, as complaints have been pouring in from gamers worldwide. This error prevents users from connecting to a game. In this article, we have listed all the steps that you can take to fix Roblox error code 279 completely. Also, we have written what the error means and why it occurs on your computer.

What Is The Roblox Error Code 279?

After investigating the error in detail, we concluded what it means. The error occurs when the game thinks you have a poor internet connection. Users with a poor internet connection can affect the server’s performance. And thus, the game doesn’t allow that. This happens because when your internet can’t keep up with the game. The server has to compromise.


Thus, to prevent this, game developers often cap the lowest quality of connection that can connect. Therefore, you will see the “Failed to Connect to the Game” error if your connection falls below that threshold.

Why Are You Getting The Roblox Error Code 279?

As seen above, the error triggers when you have a poor internet connection. Behind this, there can also be some other reasons that we will discuss below.

  • Internet Connection: The connection you are using must be of a certain quality. The game requires you to stream data at a particular speed. If your internet connection can’t do that, you will encounter issues.
  • Router Configuration: Sometimes, the router you use can get the wrong configurations. This happens when the router runs for an extended period without resetting. The router can get incorrect DNS configurations or be routed through the wrong path.
  • Windows Firewall: The Firewall on your device can prevent Roblox from connecting. This happens if the Firewall thinks that Roblox is making suspicious connections. To fix this, you can either turn off your Firewall or allow Roblox through the Firewall.
  • Browser Issue: The browser you use to play Roblox can also affect your game. This happens because all browsers have their specific security protocols. Some of these protocols can block certain aspects of the game. Thus, you should try to ensure that you are using compatible browsers.
  • Browser Extensions: Extensions are also known to cause issues every once in a while. Thus, you should ensure that your extensions are not interfering with any aspect of the game. To do this, you can try to turn off the extensions one by one and check which causes the issue with the game.
  • Closed Ports: The game communicates with its servers using ports. These ports are the game’s access points to connect to the servers. If the ports that the game requires are closed, it will get the Roblox error code 279. Thus, you should try to make sure that the ports are forwarded.
  • Game File Issue: If there is any damage to the game file integrity, an error will occur. The files can get corrupted over time, damaging their integrity. Thus, you can try to install a fresh copy of the game after removing it and adding it again.
  • DNS Cache: The DNS cache on your computer can also sometimes cause this issue. This DNS cache is created locally on your Windows computer. Thus, you can try to clear out the DNS and the Winsock.
  • APN Settings: The APN settings on your mobile device allow it to connect to the internet. However, they can prevent you from connecting to the internet if incorrectly configured. And cause the Roblox error code 279 on Android.

Now that you know why error 279 occurs, you can finally start implementing the solutions to fix it.

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Video Tutorial to Fix Roblox Error Code 279

12 Ways On How To Fix The Roblox Error Code 279

Fixing the error involves implementing different solutions. Below, we have listed all the possible solutions to the problem. Make sure to implement them sequentially.

Solution 1: Perform a Speed Test

You can get this error if your internet connection isn’t up to par. Thus, in this step, we will check if the issue lies with your connection. We can perform a speed test to measure the figures for your downstream and upstream. To do that:

  • Start your browser and click here to open the speed test website.
  • Then, click the “GO” button to start the speed test of your connection.
Performing Internet Speed Test
  • After this, wait for the speed test to finish.
  • After finishing up, note down the figures for “Downstream“, “Upstream” and “Loss“.
  • Make sure that the downstream is above 10Mbps. Upstream above 4Mbps, and loss below 10.
  • If they are, you can proceed further. Otherwise, you will have to upgrade your connection.

Solution 2: Restart Router

In some cases, the router your internet connection uses can get glitched. To fix this, you can initiate a complete power cycle of the router. A power cycle completely drains the router of electricity, which helps reset any bad cache. For that:

  • Unplug the power cable from your router.
  • Press and hold the “Power” button behind the router for at least 10 seconds.
  • After this, plug the cord back in.
  • Wait for the router to turn ON.
  • Once ON, make sure to check if the error 279 is gone.

Solution 3: Turn Off Windows Defender Firewall

We can check if the Windows Firewall is causing this issue by deactivating it temporarily. We don’t recommend doing this permanently, as the Firewall guards your computer from threats. However, to temporarily turn it off, use the following steps.

  • Press “Windows + R” to start the Run prompt.
  • Type in “Firewall.cpl” and press “Enter” to launch the Firewall control panel.
Typing firewall.cpl in command prompt
  • Now, click on “Turn Windows Defender Firewall ON or OFF“.
  • Now, check the “Turn OFF Windows Defender Firewall” buttons. For both Private and Public network options.
Turning off Windows Firewall
  • Then, click on “OK” to save your changes.
  • Now, try to check if you can run Roblox without any issues.

Solution 4: Add an Exception to Firewall

If you could fix the Roblox issue by turning your Firewall OFF. You must try to add an exception for Roblox. This will allow you to keep the Firewall enabled while playing Roblox. To do this:

  • First, turn the Firewall ON using the same process we did above.
  • Then, press “Windows + R” to start Run, type in “Firewall.cpl” and press “Enter” to start it.
  • Then, click “Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall” here.
Allowing Roblox through Windows Defender Firewall
  • Now, click on the “Change Settings” button.
  • From the app list, check “Public” and “Private” for Roblox.
  • Now, click on “OK” and check if the game works.

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Solution 5: Change Your Browser

If you are playing the game from your browser, you might get the Roblox error code 279 error. This happens because the browser’s security protocols can prevent the connection. The Roblox servers also sometimes prevent connections from specific browsers. Thus, try switching to Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave, or other popular browsers.

Solution 6: Disable Browser Extensions

The browser’s extensions can sometimes create errors by interfering with the network packets. Also, Roblox servers might be suspicious of hacks or cheating, which can cause errors. Thus, you can try to turn off the extensions installed on your browser. For that:

  • Start your browser, and on the top right side, click on “Three Dots“.
  • From the menu that opens up, select the “Settings” button.
Disabling Browser Extensions
  • In settings, from the left, select “Extensions“.
  • Now, click on the “Toggle” for extensions individually to disable them.
  • After turning off the extensions, make sure to start the game.
  • Check if this fixes your device’s Roblox error code 279.

Solution 7: Forward Router Ports

Roblox uses a specific range of ports from your router to communicate with its server. If this range of ports is closed or if it isn’t accessible, you will get the error 279. Thus, we will forward the ports that Roblox requires from the router. For this, we will need to know the IP address of your computer. To find it out:

  • Press “Windows + R” to start Run.
  • Type “cmd” and press “Enter“.
Typing cmd
  • Type in “ipconfig” and press “Enter“.
  • Note your IP address from the “Default Gateway” field.

Now that we know the IP address. Copy the IP address, paste it into your browser’s search bar, and press “Enter“.

  • This will launch the router login page.
  • Enter the “Username” and the “Password” on this page to log in.
Logging in Router login page
  • If you don’t know these values, they can be found on the back of your router.
  • Now from the router control page, look for the “Port Forwarding” option, which should typically be in the NAT configuration.
Configuring Router
Configuring Router
  • After this, enter the values for the opening and closing UDP ranges: 49152-65535
  • Save your changes to forward these ports.
  • Check if this fixes the Roblox error code 279 on your device.

Solution 8: Change the Network

For some users, the problem was the internet connection that they were using. What will happen if the game servers detect suspicious traffic from your network? They block your access and throw the Roblox error code 279. Thus, you can try to change the network connection that you are using. For this, you may use your mobile’s hotspot or some other Wifi connection available near you.

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Solution 9: Clear DNS Cache

Clear the DNS cache and reset the Winsock on your Windows computer can fix the error. For that, you can implement the following steps.

  • Press the “Windows + R” keys on the keyboard.
  • Type “cmd” and press “SHIFT+ CTRL + ENTER” to launch with admin privileges.
  • Now, type in the following commands.
    • netsh winsock reset
    • ipconfig /flushdns
  • Also, press “Enter” to execute them.
Configuring DNS
Configuring DNS
  • After the commands execute, check to see if this fixes the Roblox error code 279 issue.

Solution 11: Reset Internet Options

Some internet options are configured for the default Windows browser. These options can sometimes have incorrect configurations. This can lead to the Roblox error code 279. So, to fix this, you can reset the internet options. For that:

  • Press “Win + R” from your keyboard to start RUN.
  • Type in “inetcpl.cpl” in the RUN prompt and then press “Enter” to launch it.
Typing “inetcpl.cpl” in command prompts
Typing “inetcpl.cpl” in command prompts
  • From the Internet Control Panel, select the “Advanced” option.
Resetting Internet Properties
Resetting Internet Properties
  • Now, click the “Restore Advanced Settings” button and confirm any prompts.
  • Thus, you can reset the factory settings for internet configurations.
  • Check if the Roblox error code 279 goes away.

Solution 12: Uninstall the Game

After trying all the above solutions, it is possible that the error might just be due to corrupt game files. Thus, you can try to remove them from your computer and perform a fresh install. For that:

  • Press “Windows + I” to go to Windows settings.
  • Select “Apps” from the left side of your screen.
Opening Installed Apps List
Opening Installed Apps List
  • After that, click on the “Installed Apps” button on the right.
  • From the list of apps, search for “Roblox” and click on the “Three Dots” in front of it.
  • Select “Uninstall” from the menu and then confirm the prompt to remove the game.
Uninstalling Roblox
  • After the uninstallation completes, download the game from the website.
  • Install the game on your device and check whether the Roblox error code 279 disappeared.


What is the Roblox error code 279?

The error mostly means that your device has a poor internet connection. This is mainly seen if you have a wrong DNS configuration or cache.

Can you fix the Roblox error code 279?

Luckily, you can fix the error quickly by implementing the solutions we have listed in this article. Ensure to follow and implement all the steps until one works.

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If the Roblox error code 279 occurs on your device, try to make sure that you check if your Firewall or any other antivirus isn’t blocking the game. If it isn’t, you can also move on to clearing the DNS cache to fix it. The error is fixable, and so, you should be able to fix it on your own. But if you are still getting it, you can contact us for further troubleshooting. Protection Status