What Is The Difference Between ADSL And VDSL?

Find out today what DSL internet is and learn about difference between ADSL and VDSL variations, in addition to the speed and benefits that each type of network offers.

Currently, internet services are becoming more and more present in our daily lives, and as a result, the demands have changed a lot. A few years ago, the internet was just for entertainment, and today is an indispensable tool for the most diverse activities.

The typical user, especially companies, have needed faster, more stable, and accessible connections to meet new demands.

In this context, dependence on the internet has increased, especially for companies, which already use it in large part of their business.

This evolution of needs also made connection technologies adapt to the new reality so that they could meet them. Thus, new types of connections appeared, such as DSL.

What Is The DSL Internet And The Difference Between ADSL And VDSL

What Is The DSL Internet?

The Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is a type of connection that uses the telephone line to provide internet service. It also uses the same network, which uses copper wires, usually in pairs.

DSL internet represented an improvement over the old dial-up connections, which were extremely slow. Currently, DSL can still meet the needs of most users, especially for home use, due to the low cost of installation and maintenance.

However, it is already starting to present significant limitations for commercial use, especially concerning speed. DSL is not capable of supporting high speeds and relying on phone lines.

Therefore, some variants have emerged that include factors for faster speed, such as the associated optical fiber.

Speed and Broadband

The first feature that sets DSL internet apart from previous network versions is speed and bandwidth, which are significantly higher. Furthermore, the speed is stable because it only follows your home’s telephone line, unlike the cables, which are shared.

In other words, this type of network allows users to connect simultaneously without losing quality. Although they have the highest speed, this feature is not seen in cable internet.


This type of internet follows a price range similar to other means such as broadband or satellite, cheaper than wireless.

Wiring and Speed Variation

The wiring that carries the signal to your house will dictate your speed: if it’s too long, it can delay the signal and slow you down. Furthermore, obstacles such as tree trunks and switches can influence transmission.


You can adopt filters so that internet connections and transmission remain intact, that is, free from interference with each other. The number of filters required is determined for each type of modem.


The hardware, the DSL modem, is compact and can be placed anywhere in the house, as long as obstacles are kept away for good wireless transmission. The modem connects to the phone line and has an Ethernet cable for computers.

However, it is essential to check with the company that installs whether the modem is included in the package, as some rent the hardware and remove it when canceling the internet.

Types of DSL Internet

There are currently seven variants of this type of internet: ADSL, HDSL, IDSL, MSDSL, RADSL, SDSL, and VDSL, among which ADSL and VDSL are the best known. Get to know some speed characteristics of these transmission networks in the table below.

What Is The DSL Internet And Difference Between ADSL And VDSL Types Of DSL
Types of DSL


Discover now some characteristics of the most used internets, which vary from DSL internet: VDSL and ADSL.

The ADSL Internet

ADSL, or Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line; an internet transmission network that varies from DSL by asymmetry.

The main word here, and which we should highlight, is “asymmetric,” as this defines how the connection deals with the immense flow of information: always greater in one sense than in the other.

In other words, the download speed is usually higher than the upload speed on these connections.

This type of connection is made from a conventional telephone line, but without affecting it; that is, you can surf the internet while talking on the phone (unlike what happened with dial-up internet).

With the arrival of ADSL, it was finally possible to make phone calls while using the internet. That’s because the telephone line became just the means of communication, transmitting digital data signals at a much higher speed.

At other times, the connection took place through a particular modem, used by both the client and the provider. A power strip is used to avoid interference, and data is transmitted on frequencies other than voice.

  • Does not occupy the phone line;
  • Bandwidth does not vary much, suffers few reductions and only during peak hours;
  • Good performance for online games and other services that need a quick exchange of information;
  • Variety in bandwidth and at affordable prices.
  • Not the best choice for companies and game servers, as the upload speed is limited;
  • Its installation is a little more labor-intensive and requires previous telephone wiring.

The VDSL Internet

In addition to supporting a higher data transmission rate, as it is a hybrid network that joins ADSL and optical fiber, the VDSL network takes a step forward about the distribution structure.

While an asymmetric network is divided into three frequency bands, one for fixed telephony, another for transmission, and another for receiving data, the optical fiber present in the structure increase the capacity of the cables and wires transmitting data.

Therefore, the VDSL network can also transmit TV signals, as its structure is similar to cable TV systems.

  • Internet speed stays constant even with people using it simultaneously
  • Better experience and signal transmission efficiency
  • Allows the best experience for internet television (VOD) and VoIP system applications that require high bandwidth
  • Higher speed among DSL internet variants
  • Not as fast as fiber optics and the new Starlink satellite internet
  • May require complex installation depending on the company
  • Need a phone line

Differences Between ADSL And VDSL

Although the ADSL and VDSL variants derive from the same type of network as the DSL internet, you can point out many differences between them. This is mainly because VDSL includes an optical fiber for transmission.


ADSL internet covers a much greater distance than VDSL, reaching 18,000 feet while VDSL only reaches 4,500 feet. Thus, the ADSL internet ends up being a better choice for those who need transmission over long distances, such as rural areas.


The VDSL model also has advantages for telecommunications service providers. As it is a hybrid network, the installation is not all made with optical fiber. It is the most expensive and challenging part of the structure, only a portion connected to the already known and existing ADSL system.

Asymmetry Vs. Symmetry

The main difference between the two connections is that ADSL has data transmission asymmetry, which means that this connection cannot keep parity between upload and download speeds. In contrast, VDSL can uniquely do this task.


While ADSL has a 4MB download limit, VDSL can support up to 100MB, depending on the distance the data must travel. This will affect your productivity and performance, and your headaches from the internet not working as needed will go away.

Therefore, the technology must grow over time and replace the already obsolete asymmetric model. Their rates are also different, especially in large companies, as data transmission needs to adapt to an increasingly demanding world in the constant exchange of information.

The table below outlines the differences between ADSL and VDSL; the main variants of internet DSL.

What Is The DSL Internet And Difference Between ADSL And VDSL Basis For Comparison
Differences Between ADSL And VDSL


DSL internet is a type of network that transmits a signal through copper cables, usually related to the telephone line. This type of internet and its ADSL and VDSL variants are great options to supply both long and short distances and have an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

If you are searching for “internet service near me” you can use the Cleverping tool and find the best option available in your DSL internet region. So, you can enjoy all the benefits that a DSL connection has for you.


What is the difference between ADSL and VDSL?

The difference between ADSL and VDSL lies primarily in their speed and technology; VDSL offers significantly faster download and upload speeds compared to ADSL, making it more suitable for high-bandwidth activities.

How does ADSL and VDSL differ in terms of distance limitations?

ADSL provides a stable connection even over longer distances, while VDSL’s performance diminishes quickly as the distance from the service provider increases, typically requiring closer proximity for optimal speeds.

Which is faster: ADSL vs VDSL?

VDSL is faster than ADSL, with maximum download speeds reaching up to 100 Mbps or more, whereas ADSL typically caps around 24 Mbps, making VDSL a better choice for users needing higher speeds.

Are ADSL and VDSL compatible with the same infrastructure?

Yes, ADSL and VDSL can use the same copper telephone lines; however, they require different modem equipment to access their respective technologies and speed capabilities.

Which technology is better for streaming and gaming: ADSL and VDSL?

VDSL is better for streaming and gaming compared to ADSL due to its higher speeds and lower latency, allowing for a smoother online experience.

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