How To Delete Bookmarks On Mac?

We all have been there: bookmarking websites in hopes of coming there again. But it is least likely we will ever go back, and as time goes on, our bookmark collection grows and slows down our browsing experience. That’s when it becomes essential to know how to delete bookmarks on Mac. Moreover, some bookmarks become necessary with time. So, in this article, we’ll discuss how to find and remove bookmarks on the top three Mac browsers. This includes how to delete bookmarks on top three browsers – Safari, Firefox, and Chrome. Let’s dive in to solve the problem easily.

Where Are All My Bookmarks On Mac?

Before you learn how to delete bookmarks on Mac, the first thing is to spot where they are located. Depending on your preference, you might use one or more of the three top browsers used on Mac: Safari, Chrome, or Firefox. 

So, the following is a quick guide on where you can find bookmarks in each browser:


This is how you can find your saved bookmarks in Safari:

  • Launch Safari and look for the Bookmark icon. The icon resembles an open book in the Safari toolbar.
Opening Safari Browser
Opening Safari Browser
  • Click the Bookmarks.
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Clicking On The Bookmarks
  • Here you can view and manage your bookmarks.
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Managing Bookmarks In Safari


Let’s see how you can find your saved bookmarks in the Chrome browser. 

  • Open Chrome on your Mac
  • Click the three vertical dots on the top right side.
Opening Chrome Browser
Opening Chrome Browser On Mac
  • Navigate to the Bookmarks > Bookmark Manager.
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Opening Submenu For Bookmark Manager
  • Select Bookmark Manager from the menu. This will open a new tab with the Chrome Bookmark Manager. Here, you can find all your bookmarks.
Finding All On Chrome
Finding All Bookmarks On Chrome


The following is how you can find bookmarks in the Firefox browser. 

  • Open Firefox on your Mac.
  • Click the three horizontal lines on the top right side of the toolbar.
Clicking on The Three Horizontal Lines On Firefox Browser
Clicking on The Three Horizontal Lines On Firefox Browser
  • Select Bookmarks to open a new menu.
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Selecting Firefox Bookmarks
  • Select Manage Bookmarks from the menu. This will open the Firefox Library, where you can find all the saved bookmarks.
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Managing Bookmarks In Firefox

How To Delete Bookmarks On Mac? [In All Browsers]

As you have know where to find your saved bookmarks. Now, let’s learn how to delete bookmarks on Mac. It will help you find the right bookmarks.

How To Delete Safari Bookmarks On Mac?

The following is a step-by-step guide on how to delete bookmarks on the Safari browser. 

Launching Safari Browser
Launching Safari Browser
  • Find the Bookmark Icon: In the sidebar, find and click Bookmarks. Select it to view all your bookmarks.
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Finding Bookmarks
  • Remove a Bookmark: To delete a bookmark, find the one you want to remove from the list. Right-click the bookmark, or hold down the Control key and click it. A pop-up menu will appear > Select Delete to remove the bookmark.
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Deleting Bookmarks From Safari

How To Delete Firefox Bookmarks On Mac?

Let’s see how to delete bookmarks on Firefox browser:

  • Open Firefox: Launching Firefox on your Mac.
  • Find Bookmarks: Locate the bookmarks by following the steps mentioned above. Or, just click the menu button (it looks like three vertical lines) to open the menu panel. Inside the panel, click Bookmarks. Then, select Manage Bookmarks from the menu. This will open a new window on the left side of the screen, showing your bookmarks.
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Finding Bookmarks In Firefox
  • Delete Bookmarks: The Manage Bookmarks window will list all your bookmarks. Find the bookmark you want to delete within the Bookmarks Menu section. Right-click the bookmark> select Delete from the dropdown menu to remove the bookmark from Firefox.
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Deleting Bookmarks From Firefox

How To Delete Google Chrome Bookmarks On Mac?

The following is a step-by-step guide on how to delete bookmarks on Google Chrome. 

  • Launch Chrome: Open Google Chrome on your Mac.
  • Find the Bookmark Manager: Click the three dots. It is located in the upper right corner of the Chrome window. Select bookmark in the dropdown menu > click Bookmark Manager. This will open a new tab with the Bookmark Manager, where you can view and organize your bookmarks.
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Finding All Bookmarks In Google Chrome Browser
  • Find and Delete the Bookmark: In the new window, find the bookmark you want to remove. Click the three dots next to the bookmark’s name > select Delete from the dropdown menu to remove the bookmark. Alternatively, right-click the bookmark and select Delete from the dropdown menu.
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Deleting Bookmarks From Chrome Browser

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Delete Bookmarks On My Mac?

Deleting bookmarks on a MacBook helps organize your bookmark collection. But most importantly, it improves browsing speed by removing outdated links. Thus, knowing how to delete bookmarks helps streamline your browsing experience and makes browsing faster.

Can I Delete Multiple Bookmarks At Once On A Mac?

Yes, you can delete multiple bookmarks simultaneously on your device. In most browsers, you can select multiple bookmarks by pressing the Command key while clicking each bookmark. Once you have chosen the bookmarks, right-click and delete them together.

Will Removing Bookmarks On My Mac Remove Them From Other Devices?

It depends on the browser settings. Check if you are signed in to your browser using a cloud-based account like iCloud, Google Account, or Firefox Account. If yes, deleting bookmarks on your device may also remove them from other devices synced with the same account.


Hopefully, now you know all about how to delete bookmarks on Mac. Not deleting bookmarks on your device can make it run slower. Pages will load up slower or will not load sometimes. This is why it is important to review and delete unnecessary bookmarks occasionally.

Doing so lets you keep your browser organized and speed up your search engine. Depending on which browser you use, first, locate all the saved browsers on it. Then, you can follow the steps mentioned in this guide to delete unwanted bookmarks.