What Are Long-Term Loans and When Is The Right Time To Get One?

Personal loans enable you to finance your significant spending and repay them over a fixed period known as the loan term. These loans usually allow you to repay the amount within 2 to 5 years, depending on your loan eligibility. A long-term loan helps you spread over your repayments for a more extended period.

Long-term loans are a good option if you are looking for a low monthly repayment. Online lending companies offer quick applications wherein, after submitting the form, you can find out within a few hours if your request was approved or rejected. However, before you apply for such quick, long-term loans, you should know its pros and cons to decide whether it’s right for you and your current financial situation.

What Are Long-term Loans?

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska

Technically speaking, long-term loans aren’t just limited to personal loans. They refer to all types of loans with a more extended repayment period. Generally, they span over 60 months or more, which would mean a low monthly repayment. You’ll find many options when looking for personal loans with a long-term repayment scheme, so take some time and check which one suits you the best. Beware of scammers while you are exploring the options.

Also Read: How To Get A Loan For Your Small Business?

Scenarios Where Long-term Loans Would Be Preferable

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Photo by Mikhail Nilov

Long-term loans can be used for various purposes, such as home repairs, medical bills, debt consolidation, and k-12 student expenses. However, you should know that getting any loan to refinance a federal student loan might affect your repayment options badly or even hamper your chances of loan forgiveness.

Here are some scenarios where a long-term loan can be beneficial for you:

You Need A Bigger Loan

The loan amount you get qualified for mainly depends on what you can afford each month in repayments. Your monthly repayments would be small since they are spread over an extended period. This, in turn, allows you to qualify for a big loan. If your financial requirements are high, a long-term loan would be a quick fix to all your woes.

Medical Expenses

If you suddenly find yourself surrounded by numerous medical bills and have no way of paying them on your own, then a long-term loan may be good for you. Medical emergencies can be unexpected and daunting too. If you have a stable income, a long-term loan would be perfect.

Also Check: All You Needed To Know About Personal Loans

Pros & Cons Of A Long-term Loan


  • Low monthly repayments: Stretching out your entire loan amount over a long period gives you the benefit of having low monthly repayments. It gives you more flexibility to accommodate your monthly expenses while making the repayments affordable.
  • Longer loan term: You are under no pressure to pay off the entire amount between a strict deadline.


  • Interest rates may be high: Some lenders might charge a high-interest rate even if you have a good credit score.
  • High total cost: If your interest rate is higher, you will end up paying more than the actual loan amount since the repayments are stretched over a more extended period.

Also Check: How To Do Personal Loan EMI Calculation?

Bottom Line

Long-term loans can be helpful if you require quick cash but don’t have any means to repay it quickly. However, term loans also have pros and cons, which you should consider cautiously before making any final decision. If the cons overshadow the pros for your financial situation, there are alternative options, such as short-term personal loans, credit cards, or a line of credit. Be sure to look into all the options to ensure you make the right decision.

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