What Is The Difference Between The FE Exam And PE Exam?

To become a professional engineer, you must first pass the FE, Fundamentals of Engineering Exam. When it comes to exams, there are some noteworthy differences between Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam and Professional Engineer (PE) exam. You may be curious just what FE or PE exams are when you’re just beginning your engineering career off to a good start. This article will explain the difference between the FE vs PE exams.

Being a PE signifies you’ve earned the qualifications to win their confidence to a customer. To that of a company, it shows your ability to embark on a more significant share of responsibility. Amongst your coworkers, it promotes respect. To you, it’s a mark of satisfaction and reflection of your very own hard-won achievement.

Both of these exams make you stand out of the crowd and offer you a boost of confidence. We highly recommend doing the FE practice exam and PE exam preparation from a reliable source so you can clear it off in the first attempt.

FE Vs PE Exam: Differences Between FE and PE Exams

What Is The Difference Between The FE Exam And PE Exam 1

Keep reading if you are unsure which parts distinguish these two and how to proceed to them.

Major Components of an FE Exam

An FE exam is taken before the PE exam. To take it, you first need to pass the PE examination. The format of the exam is computer-based. There are one hundred questions in it, and the time allotted is around five hours and twenty minutes.

There is a 25-minute long break between the exam. The total exam system costs approximately 175 dollars. If you plan to take the FE exam, try to do so right after you have graduated from college; but if you are not sure, we recommend you double-check your state’s requirements.

If you have passed the examination, you will gain the title of Engineer in training or EIT. On the whole, if we see, the average passing rate across all disciples is 71% in the first-time attempt. The syllabus includes questions from all fields, including electrical, civil, mechanical, chemical, etc.

The students who have already appeared in the exam rank it medium to hard in terms of difficulty level. If you are planning for the exam, you need to invest five to fifty hours in the preparation; depending on your earlier knowledge and confidence. The exam does not include an open book. However, you can use the FE reference handbook for convenience.

Major Components of a PE Exam

A PE exam is taken after one has passed the FE exam. To take it, you first need to pass the FE examination. There is a total of 80 to 85 questions in it, and the time allotted is around eight and a half hours. There is a 50-minute long break between the exam. The total exam system costs approximately 375 dollars. Once you have passed the FE examination, you should consult your state’s requirements to be sure when you can. Once you have passed the examination, you will achieve the Professional Engineer or P.E title.

Overall, we can observe that the average passing rate across all disciplines is 65% on the first try. The test is computer-based, and the curriculum only includes questions from the subject for which you desire to be certified. Students who have already taken the exam rate its difficulty as highly challenging. If you intend to take the test, you need to prepare for PE exam for up to 300-hours, depending on your past knowledge and confidence. The test will not be an open book. However, for your convenience, you can use the FE reference manual.

What Is The Difference Between The FE Exam And PE Exam 2

A Few Other Things You Need to Know About FE and PE Exam

As you explore the differences among the FE vs PE exams, here are a few essential things to keep in mind:

  • The FE Exam isn’t that challenging. Many people usually prepare the day before the test and get a perfect score. However, the PE Exam is significantly more difficult.
  • If you’ve already passed the FE, make sure you know how to earn your EIT or PE license by consulting a credible source. Certain jurisdictions have stringent criteria to sit for the FE or PE exams. Find out what your state’s requirements are by doing your research online.
  • To pass both the FE and PE exams, one must put in much time and effort. These exams are worthwhile investments of your time; since they help you grow as a person and earn more money and self-confidence.

The Bottom Line

To become a qualified engineer, one must pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam, which would be the first of two rigorous examinations (PE). Obtaining a PE license is akin to clearing the legal test for lawyers after graduate school; or clearing the written medical exam for doctors after completing a med degree.

Extensive in scope, the FE exam involves almost every aspect of an undergrad engineering education. Examinations in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical-computer engineering, and fields like industrial engineering and chemistry); chemical engineering, and geotechnical engineering all have their own unique set of themes.

It is up to each student’s personal choice as to whether or not they want to leave the door open; to taking the PE test after accumulating enough professional experience to qualify for it. Taking the FE test does not guarantee that you will get a diploma; or that you will be admitted to graduate school or any other level of study.

To pass and qualify with the FE practice exam, the services of Study for FE have put together everything you need to understand and practice. One of the most rapidly expanding and trusted FE exam preparation services offers a plethora of practice questions; and thorough answers in an immersive, educational setting.

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