5 Effective Ways To Get User Feedback For Your App

It is already well known that a considerable portion of apps is uninstalled after first use. Yes, this statistic no doubt offers a grim scenario. No developer wants their ambitious output to end in uninstallment; but for them, it is challenging to know where they have missed something. This is where app evaluation comes in. Several app developers focus on taking user feedback instead of other evaluation methods, like A/B testing, heuristic evaluation, etc. But user feedback for your app alone cannot give the right picture all the time. This is why it is crucial to practice all methods for evaluating an app.

As aspiring new developers, before inquiring about how to create an app from scratch, it is good to have a basic understanding of app evaluation. This would prevent you from committing many development mistakes. Let’s begin our discussion regarding these evaluation methods starting with the user feedback gathering for your app.

How much user feedback do you need?

5 Effective Ways To Get User Feedback For Your App 1

According to many top minds in tech innovations such as Steve Jobs, users are not always aware of what they need; and only when a new creation lands before them, they upgrade their mindset to this. So, user feedback for your app does not always necessarily guide innovations.

These innovators, again and again, created breakthrough new products that had no initial demand; but as soon as they arrived in the market, they became indispensable quickly. So, in case you are developing a breakthrough app product that users have no idea about; user feedback for your app won’t be of any use.

On the other hand, most apps are not revolutionary, and your app is unlikely to be one. Naturally, for most app products; there is a clear context where user feedback for your app fits in regarding the evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the app.

At the same time, since users can’t tell you about the next app you will launch; you cannot expect them to give you innovative app ideas. So, knowing the limitations and scopes of user feedback as an evaluating method is essential.

App prototyping and gathering user feedback for your app are highly effective in getting insights regarding the possible app improvements. Over time, they can deliver great incremental benefits by gradually enhancing the app features, functions, and user experience.

So, the practical question is not whether you need user feedback; but it mainly concerns how much user feedback you need for evaluation.

Effective ways to get user feedback

5 Effective Ways To Get User Feedback For Your App 2

There are several different ways to source user feedback for your app. There are also other areas corresponding to user experience where you should focus upon.

You cannot ask users about what they want from the app. It is too common sense that such a question will result in a gross answer that cannot provide a particular direction. Instead of that, ask them specific questions such as the key ways the app can help them better.

Inquire about the features that users find difficult or painful to use. Inquire also about the app features they enjoy most. What problems do users think the app solves nicely, and what else can be done? These are the specific questions that will give you exact and valuable user feedback data.

When you hire mobile app developers Illinois, many companies stress incremental development based on user feedback. The popularity of the MVP development approach is founded upon this.

User Acquisition Data

User acquisition refers to the volume of users downloading or installing the app from the app marketplace. This acquisition number can be categorized into different acquisition methods: organic search, word-of-mouth campaigns, paid campaigns, etc.

You can further analyze different user acquisition metrics such as app installs, bounce rate, etc.; to get a complete view of the different levels of success each method ensures. From analyzing these metrics, you can quickly figure out; what marketing methods are helpful to gather the optimum number of new users.

User Retention Data

On an advanced level, user retention data delivers crucial information on the user percentage of reusing the app after their first visit. There are different user retention metrics to help get hold of such valuable information like DAU, MAU, Session length, etc.

These metrics help identify what value is created by the app for the users. For instance, the volume of daily active users (DAU) is too poor against your goal; you may need to evaluate how the app creates value for the app users.

The impact on revenue

The ultimate factor that remains decisive for the success of an app is the growth of revenue or profits earned by the app. This requires deeper evaluation to understand the impact.

For evaluating the impact on app revenue, it is essential to assess the monetization of the app. By analyzing the success of monetization methods, you can make viable and informed decisions corresponding to the future of the app; and make relevant predictions on the app’s future.

Ground your evaluation on baseline earning

The first and foremost step for evaluating the value of a mobile app is evaluating the revenue or earnings it makes. The app’s earnings will be the baseline or ground upon which all other evaluation methods will depend.

There are two different methods for establishing baseline earnings, such as SDE and EBITDA. SDE or Seller’s Discretionary Earnings is the method that fits in-app projects whose estimated financial value remains well under $5 million and apps that follow the owner-operator model.

EBIDTA or Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization is the method that fits in-app projects the estimated value of which crosses $5 million and apps that do not follow the owner-operator model.

While owners’ expenses are often included for taxation benefits with the first model; there are no such scopes with the second model. Naturally, the second method provides a more accurate and precise evaluation of the app earning.

Give more focus to use analytics data

Apart from this periodical analysis of the value created by an app; there is a constant and continuous way to track where the app is not doing well. Yes, we refer to the integrated app analytics. Seldom can you find an app that doesn’t use an app analytics tool these days?

The integrated app analytics is far from just a statutory requirement. It is there to provide you continuous data-driven insights about user interactions and user behavior. App analytics, through the analysis of vital user information; provide a crystal-clear idea of how you can improve the app by dealing with shortcomings and glitches.

Since the analytics tool provides the scope of data-driven analysis, you seldom have the chance of going wrong.


Apart from all these methods discussed above, it would help if you did not forget the power of simple A/B testing of various app features and user experience attributes to have a precise idea of what works and what doesn’t. When it comes to app evaluation, you need to be as exhaustive and comprehensive as possible.

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