Digital Marketing Technologies Help Businesses Boost ROI

With thousands of businesses trying to sell various digital marketing technologies, marketers aren’t surprised to feel overwhelmed. Unfortunately, the adoption rate for marketing technology is comparatively low in the business world, except for a few software companies.

Statistics claim that companies in other industries are only utilizing two out of the nine widely recognized marketing technologies; which is considered a wasted opportunity.

6 Ways Digital Marketing Technologies Help Raise The Bar For Businesses

Most marketing professionals have reported that incorporating digital marketing technology in their business practices improved ROI. However, they first had to convince stakeholders and business owners to invest in these technologies.

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So, to provide you with a clear path; we have listed a few ways incorporating marketing technologies raises the bar for businesses. These marketing programs and technologies focus on two things; offering customers something they will value and getting your products in front of the appropriate target market.

Some of these digital marketing programs and technologies are as follows.

Email marketing

Email marketing was that £1000 elephant of digital marketing; and we aren’t talking about spamming customers’ email inboxes by buying the same email lists sold to your competitors.

Instead, we’re talking about enticing customers to give you their email addresses and additional information willingly; followed by sending valuable digestible content that caters to their interests.

That said, email marketing is a powerful digital marketing technology that allows businesses to remain in your customers’ minds; especially ones who want to hear from you.

Since closing a product/service sale requires more than just ads and campaigns; email marketing is an overlooked marketing tool that yields excellent results.


Digital marketing is at a point where everything from the ads, technologies, offers, and performance is trackable and measurable. That said, in the past, advertising and retail expert John Wanamaker famously said that; he wasted half the money he spent on marketing.

Although, he never knew which half. However, with the help of various analytics tools, today’s marketers know where their money is going. But, to use this digital marketing technology, you will require a competent marketing team; that knows how to use data to their advantage.

So, one of the most popular analytics programs is Google Analytics. Around 80 percent of small to medium businesses worldwide utilize Google Analytics to track the performance of their digital marketing campaigns.

Mobile Marketing

Since customers now prefer viewing emails on their smartphones, companies should make their websites mobile-friendly.

In simple words, you must create an easy-to-navigate website for mobile phone or tablet viewing. That said, after developing one; you can take things to the next level by incorporating mobile search advertising and other types of mobile marketing into the mix.

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The best approach to ensure that a website is mobile-ready is incorporating responsiveness into its design language. Meaning, your website should resize itself to fit the phone or tablet it’s viewed on.

Another way to ensure responsiveness is by creating a standalone mobile website altogether. So, when viewers use your desktop website on their mobile phones.

Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing typically includes SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and paid search ads like Google AdWords. Since most consumers search the internet for products/services; you need to be ever-present in front of them to sell what they want to purchase and are looking for.

With the help of search ads, you can optimize and test your forums, ad copy, keywords, and more. Furthermore, combining your Search Engine marketing efforts with digital marketing technologies like CRM and Google Analytics will help you know which ads received the most clicks and which ones led to the most revenue and opportunities for your business.

Moreover, Search Engine Optimization will allow you to make technical and visual improvements to your website to improve your click-through rates. A few leading Search Engine Marketing tools include; BrightEdge, Wordtracker, Wordstream, Yahoo, Bing, Google AdWords, etc.

Conversion Optimization

The Conversion optimization process involves leading customers to your website and enticing them to do what you want them to do. Typically, this can be achieved through online forms so that you get their email address at the very least.

While only 3 percent of customers coming to your website via an online ad will fill out your form; you can double this rate by utilizing conversion optimization. After all, if you’re going to invest time and money into leading people to your website; you need to convert as much of them as possible into loyal customers.

Some leading conversion optimization tools include Ion Interactive, Unbounce, Optimzely, Wordstream’s Landing Page Grader, and much more.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation combines various marketing tools and digital marketing technologies in a tiny package. It includes performance tracking, online forums, analytics, email marketing, lead generation, automated campaign alerts, and much more.

When it comes to marketing automation, we can write an entire 1000 word article alone. Furthermore, other features include website personalization, email campaign management, sale alignment via lead-scoring, content tracking, etc.

Some leading marketing automation tools for medium to small businesses include but are not limited to; InfusionSoft, HubSpot, Act-On, Semrush, and much more.


While the digital marketing technologies mentioned above are described separately, they work together for a cohesive result. For instance, search ads won’t probably do well without the help of an excellent automated email follow-up, remarketing, website forms, and CRM.

So, just like a business’s product development strategy and supply-chain management technique; it all boils down to how well you can get help from digital marketing technologies to your advantage. In the end, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to your marketing woes; and instead, it requires combined efforts of your marketing team and the best marketing tools available today.

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