How To Protect Your Diamond From Chipping?

Diamond is known to be the hardest stone. But that doesn’t imply that it cannot chip from an impact. For example, a tough blow on a granite sink can chip the diamond while doing dishes. There are a few considerations to make when buying the diamond. All these deliberations involve the construction of jewelry, diamond cut, placement of the stone, and diamond shape. So, you have to know how to care for your diamond jewelry to protect from chipping. Read on, as we are going to share some interesting insights.

Durability of Diamond

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Diamonds are forever. The phrase implies the property of a diamond as it is a very robust stone. The equalizer of durability lies in the hardness and toughness of the stone, and this is measured through the Mohs and Knoop’s scale.

Mohs Scale

The scale is the measure of the toughness of the stone. The stones are measured on a scale of 1-10, one being the softest and ten – the hardest. Diamond measures the hardest among the over 200 measured stones – a ten on the Mohs scale.

Knoop’s Scale

The test was invented by Frederick Knoop and his associates at NIST (National Bureau of Standards and Technology), previously known as the National Bureau of Standards, in 1939.

The standard measures elements for their hardness and durability with the pressure test, and Diamond measures 7000 on Knoop’s scale.

Can Diamond Get Chipped?

The answer is plain and simple – yes. No matter how resilient and tough the stone formation is, it is still susceptible to chipping. Firstly, the diamond shape is a huge contributing factor, and it can easily get chipped if it is cut in flat facets and prominent edges.

Also, when the diamond is in the form of jewelry such as a ring or pendant, it becomes normal wear. We use our hands for cooking, gardening, hammering, and whatnot in our routine.

Our hands are constantly bumping into the mirror and countertop. Secondly, a diamond can bump into a diamond and chip when placed with other jewelry.

The likelihood of chipping the diamond is pretty much possible, and hence there are some ways one can protect the diamond from chipping.


Diamond 101

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Image Source: Unsplash

There is a slight detour in understanding the anatomy of the diamond, and it helps us keep the diamond jewelry secure and safe from chipping or damage.

Of Shapes and Sharp Corners

Diamond jewelry comes in various cuts and styles. Some styles like princess cut have flat facets on the corners, and these facets make the diamond more susceptible to chipping and damage when bumped into concrete objects.

However, round-cut, oval-cut, and cushioned diamond shapes are safe from day-to-day bumping.

Of Culet and Antiques

The culet is the small point at the bottom of the stone where all facets meet. Previously diamonds were cut in a sharp-pointed formation; hence the chances of chipping were high.

However, the design has evolved, and nowadays, diamonds aren’t cut on the pointed edge. Also, once the diamond sets in its metal surrounded by prongs and base, it sits securely.

Of Girdles and Sections

The girdle is the horizontal line that runs through the crown and pavilion of the diamond. The diamond cuts with a thin girdle, and sections can chip easily. Meanwhile, the thick girdles make it robust and less susceptible to damage.

Of Setting and Cut

Sometimes diamond cuts have vulnerable points and corners, and these points must be set in V-shape prongs, bezels, and partial bezels.

For instance, the tension setting holds the diamond in a groove cut into the girdle with metal in place in a diamond ring.

The two ends of the metal then press gently on either side of the diamond. The tension setting is done in consideration with a girdle to prevent diamond chipping.

The mounting on each side is already exerting pressure on the girdle. When receiving an impact, it adds more pressure on the girdle.

Important to note here if the setting of the diamond is leaving wide spaces, the diamond is open to impact.

Of Prongs

Prongs are the claw-shaped metal holding the diamond firmly in place—prongs protrude from the base, a metal setting, or base in the jewelry. If the prong is lost or broken, the diamond is not firmly secured in the place.

If you suspect a broken or loose prong, put the jewelry away in a box and get it fixed before wearing it again.

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How to Protect Diamond from Chipping?

Now that we know all about the Achilles heel of the diamond, it is easy to take care of the diamond and prevent the awful – chipping!

Here are some ways to protect the diamond from chipping.

  • Keep some mini-dish around the house. For instance, in the kitchen, on your bedside table, whenever you are heading out for gardening, cleaning the grid of the oven, or doing dishes, take the jewelry off and place it in a mini-dish.
  • When you remove the jewelry, put it in a case that keeps the stone safe from bumping into other ornaments.
  • Avoid wearing the jewelry in extreme temperature changes. For example, sauna, cryotherapy, or even baking for long hours.
  • If you plan to accomplish any extreme sports, leave the ring safely in a locker at home. Other sports activities such as bowling, rock climbing, etc.

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Parting Wisdom

Diamond was once a block – later carved and shaped into the beautiful stud or ring you wear.

If the artist who cuts a diamond can cut it by giving calculated and measured blows, you can also chip it by an uncalculated blow to a hard surface.

Hence make it a routine to take the jewelry off when you suspect the diamond may hit a solid object or surface.

Also, be careful with the prongs. It will be a great help if you make it a habit to get prongs inspected once a year to notice if they are clasping the stone firmly.

And if you have accidentally chipped the diamond, keep it away carefully and get it inspected by the jeweler – because a chipped diamond is easy to chip even more.

When not wearing the jewelry, please keep it away safely in a box so it’s not bumping into each other or other jewelry. Lastly, take the jewelry to regular inspections with the jeweler to prevent damage.

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