You might think that you’ve done everything to sufficiently protect yourself and your essential data from all sorts of cyber dangers. However, take a more intimate look at the statistics. You’ll quickly learn that in 2020 alone, there were at least 155 million records due to different data breaches, and this number stands for the United States alone. How to prevent these most common cybersecurity attacks?
Fortunately, you can educate yourself on the most common cybersecurity attacks to know precisely what to do to avoid them. They range from phishing attacks and social engineering to malware and password theft. Also, all of these attacks can significantly disrupt your life and cause lots of damage.
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Most Common Cybersecurity Attacks And How To Prevent Them?
The article below explains most common cybersecurity risks and how you can stop them. Read on to learn more so you can stay one step ahead.
Malware is one of the most severe cyber attacks you might face. It is a generic term for malicious software that can damage your computer or steal your data.
The main reason malware has become all the rage in recent years is that you can download it as soon as you open an email; click on a link, or download an attachment from an email that you receive.
Once installed without your knowledge, malware can track your activities; by recording keystrokes and stealing passwords, banking information, and credit card details. Malware can also allow hackers to remotely control your computer, turn on your webcam, access your personal files, etc.
This threat is even more dangerous because most of these programs have designs to look like legitimate software. Therefore, users might download them without realizing they are putting their devices at risk.
How To Prevent This Cybersecurity Attack?
First of all, make sure you use security software on all your devices. It can detect malicious programs before they install and block access to them. Use only the apps that you trust – learn how to do it safely. Also, avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from emails you did not ask for. If you don’t know the sender, take extra care. Don’t open attachments from unconfirmed sources, and never click on pop-up ads or banners.
Also Check: How To Protect Your Business From Ransomware?
Social Engineering
Social engineering is a form of cyberattack where hackers trick you into revealing sensitive information or performing actions; that could potentially damage your computer.
Phishing Attacks
One of the most common examples of social engineering is phishing. This type of attack involves sending emails with malicious links, texts, or attachments; to lure users into revealing sensitive data or downloading malware.
For example, you may receive an email about a policy violation that requires a change in your password.
When you click on the provided link, you’re sent to an illegitimate website that mirrors the original site. On entering your current password, the information is sent to the attacker.
How To Prevent This Cybersecurity Attack?
To avoid being a target of phishing, you need to look for red flags that might raise suspicion; such as poor grammar or spelling errors in the email. The same goes for unprofessional graphics or unnecessary urgency to verify your personal information. You shouldn’t click on embedded links in general and instead visit the site directly by typing in the correct URL address.
Vishing Attacks
Yet another dangerous type of social engineering is vishing — an abbreviation of voice phishing. This phone-based social engineering tactic involves calling you and asking for your personal information via the phone. In many cases, the attacker will claim to be a representative of a bank or law enforcement contacting you about an emergency.
How To Prevent This Cybersecurity Attack?
The best way to dodge this attack is to never give away sensitive information over the phone. If you are ever asked for your credit card details by phone; make sure you hang up and call your bank instantly to check whether the person who called you is really a customer service representative.
Man-in-the-Middle Attacks
A man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack happens when the attacker inserts themselves in the “middle” of the transfer to eavesdrop or to impersonate one of the parties. An example of MITM is when you attempt to connect to a website or service; but are actually connected to a fake one instead. They can use such an attack to steal your data and allow attackers to track your online activities.
How To Prevent MITM Cybersecurity Attack?
The easiest way to prevent MITM cybersecurity attacks is to look at your browser’s address bar and see the name of the site or service you are connecting to. If it’s not what you intended to visit, you should take extra care. Also, make sure you always use SSL encryption or VPN when logging in to your accounts from unsecured public Wi-Fi networks. These measures can make it much harder for attackers to steal your data.
Password Theft
When it comes to cybersecurity attacks, password theft is one of the most prevalent ones. Millions of people worldwide have had their passwords stolen; because they were either too easy (e.g., “12345”) or used the same password for all of their accounts.
Once their accounts are breached because of weak passwords, hackers can access all the information stored in these accounts; including sensitive financial data, personal photos and videos, and other equally important information.
How To Prevent This Cybersecurity Attack?
Therefore, the best way to safeguard yourself against password theft is to choose strong passwords and change them regularly. If you are using the same password for multiple accounts; think about changing it and using a different password for each account. You could also enable two-factor authentication wherever possible.
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Cybersecurity has become an essential part of our lives. If you want to stay safeguarded online; you need to know what attacks you face and what you can do to avoid them. These risks include malware and social engineering, man-in-the-middle attacks, and password theft, among others.
To minimize the danger of falling prey to any of these most common cybersecurity attacks:
- Make sure you use strong passwords and change them regularly.
- Keep your software up to date consistently and use antivirus software on your devices.
- Never open suspicious messages, and don’t hesitate to report anything that doesn’t look or feel right. When it comes to cybersecurity, it’s forever better to be safe than sorry.
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