How today’s technology can cause hearing loss? Hearing loss is a pretty common problem that affects adults and children alike. In fact, one in three individuals aged 65 or older suffers from hearing loss. That’s a whopping 48.8 million people! It’s a tough pill to swallow while you realize that hearing is considered an essential part of our overall well-being.
Hearing is vital for feeling alert, socializing with other people, understanding conversations, and carrying out everyday activities. If you need to preserve your hearing, click here to check out some earplugs for different uses.
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, one in three Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 have high-frequency hearing loss.
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3 Ways How Does Technology Cause Hearing Loss:
You deserve to have control over your hearing by avoiding the three most likely technology causes of hearing loss.
Exposure to loudness
Impacts of exposure to loud noise – Noise exposure at work is a significant health and safety issue – about 20 million people in the U.S. alone are regularly exposed to levels above 85 decibels (dB).
Here, how does technology cause hearing loss, due to exposure to excessive noise over time, hearing loss is commonly associated with exposure to machinery, tools, engines, heavy equipment, etc.
Naturally, the magnitude and duration of exposure also play a significant role in determining any potential damage caused.
Workers Compensation claims for hearing loss have increased by as much as 60% today. This only means one thing: noise-related injuries are a very apparent reality in the workplace today. It is a growing epidemic.
You can be exposed to loud sounds at work or while doing household chores. Some common causes of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) include using power tools such as lawnmowers, nail guns, and others, attending concerts and listening to music through earphones, and riding 2-wheeled motorbikes without a helmet.
Headphones are another technology that cause hearing loss. Medical research states that you can lose as much as 20-30% of your hearing ability if listening to music too loud. In about an hour and forty-five minutes, you can cause your ears to lose the entire volume control range.
There is a limit to how low and high we hear, and we might be losing it because we use headphones and earphones more than twice a week. Temporary threshold shift is one of the reasons why musicians always use earplugs when they are practicing or performing.
The volume at which we hear the music or any such sound has different implications in terms of health and safety. We all know that the human ear is able to listen to sounds up to a maximum level of 125 decibels (dB).
Research has shown that any amount of noise exceeding 85 dB can cause permanent hearing loss in the long run. Most people do not heed to this and play their favorite tracks at higher and higher volumes.
Recreational Noises
Charles and Emma live about 600 feet (180 meters) from Westar Energy’s Jeffrey Energy Center, a 782-megawatt (M.W.), coal-fired power plant near Herington, Kansas. They say the noise from the facility near their property is so loud that they can’t hear themselves talk.
Another the most well-known technology does cause hearing loss is exposure to explosive noises. In the U.S. alone, an average of 22 million people have been exposing to these noisy conditions, 55 million have been exposing in Europe, and millions more in countries worldwide.
Day in, day out, pilots are exposing to high-volume noise. They are at risk of hearing loss during their training and when carrying out routine operations in the cockpit. Recent research has illustrated that noise levels can become so great that they do more than just damage hearing.
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