How Does AI In Education Empower Educational Equity?

Artificial intelligence opens up many promising opportunities for businesses from different industries. What’s more, when applied right and with ethical goals in mind; AI is believed to help deal with global problems like food and water shortage, climate changes, and emissions. When it comes to AI in education, AI can help improve its quality and promote and support educational equity. Here is how artificial intelligence in education can work for this purpose.

5 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence or AI in Education:

How Does AI In Education Empower Educational Equity 2

AI in Education Provides Equal Educational Access

Despite the global economic development (or better to say, its gradual restoration after the Covid pandemic consequences); there are still more and less protected communities, the kids from which can’t expect equal access to education.

To date, 72 million primary school children have no opportunity to visit it. What’s more, 759 million adults are illiterate, and that’s why they can’t create any winning opportunities for their children; other than making them follow their path as well.

Artificial intelligence can make education more accessible. The development of e-learning platforms and virtual schools can be an opportunity for kids from remote areas; and children whose parents can’t pay for their tuition at the traditional educational institution.

Still, this promising opportunity goes hand in hand with another problem. 47% of the global population have no access to the Internet, smartphones, and other technologies necessary for receiving online education. Mostly, these are people from undeveloped countries. Still, the development of 5G and decreasing the price of mobile devices; with governmental support, can be the first step for resolving this problem.

AI in Education Makes Performance Assessment Unbiased

According to the traditional educational model, the process of knowledge and skills transfer should go from one human to another; that is, from the teacher to the student. We also expect the teachers to share their knowledge with an ultimate mission in mind  – to allow their students to become better specialists and better people since professional and personal development are directly interconnected in the process of studying.

Still, humans are humans. Teachers are humans with their emotions, attitudes, and sometimes, personal biases towards the students who don’t fit their expectations. When teachers’ personal attitudes are mixed up with the professional duties, they may treat some students; with more exceptional attention and care than others which directly affects their performance assessment. In this case, artificial intelligence can be a better performance evaluator since the technology is wholly deprived of anything personal.

Using AI in education in the process of performance assessment is also the way to automate routine tasks of teachers. Also, it reduces the likelihood of human-made errors.

AI Provides Equal Access to Education for Students with Special Needs

One of the most promising opportunities for using artificial intelligence in education is a collaboration between human teachers and AI-tutors; with the long-running strategy of replacing the first with the latter. Using the ultimate set of AI-driven tools in online learning creates a winning opportunity for students with special needs; for example, with the ones with hearing and vision impairments and other disabilities.

In this case, they will be able to learn under the guidance of a specifically developed AI learning tool; creation of that was with their unique needs in mind. For example, the students with vision impairment will be able to interact with an AI platform; using its conversational features and voice technologies.

AI in Education Can Protect Students, Teachers, and Parents From Bullying

Bullying at school is quite a global problem. According to the statistics, one in three teens is regularly bullied. This is worldwide data, and it proves that this is not the case of a specific place, race, and religion. Bullying may have different reasons, but the traumatic experience will always be the same.

Bullying in teaching is also a relevant problem. In this case, teachers may bully other teachers, students, and parents. In this context, studying with the help of AI tutors seems a more ethical option that cuts the bullying opportunities;, especially when the students are gaining knowledge at home.

Still, the complete switch to online learning with the help of AI promises a new problem to solve; the lack of student socialization.

AI Promotes Learning at Own Pace with Equal Initial Opportunities

The modern educational system implies that a group of kids with different talents, abilities, and paces of information processing should be placed in the same environment and deal with the same tasks.

There are already a lot of debates around the effectiveness of this approach. Also, using artificial intelligence in the process of education can deliver more opportunities for kids; to show and develop their talents, choosing the subjects they are interested in and gaining knowledge at their own pace; which will be comfortable and effective for each student.

It becomes possible through the development of personalized learning plans and personalized AI assistance. While each student will get an opportunity to learn what they need and want, the initial conditions for each of them are still the same. They have to take the most benefits from the learning process.


The development, use, and adoption of artificial intelligence in education open up many promising opportunities. In addition to improving education quality, this is also a way to make access to education equal, the process of knowledge gain comfortable and exciting, and the academic performance assessment honest and transparent.

Adoption of AI in education will also lead to the development of more innovative and effective business models, which will drive profit for the technology creators and deliver ultimate benefits for knowledge gainers. The latter will also be able to flexibly manage their learning plan and schedule, achieving better efficiency and productivity.

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