The are many techniques and methods to use for inducing lucid dreams; but there is an underlying process that serves as a foundation for lucid dream training. Initially, one may take several weeks to lucid dream, so do not be discouraged if you do not succeed immediately. The underlying process of lucid dreaming may be broken down into 6 easy steps as follow:
Table of contents
Easy Steps Of Lucid Dreaming
Doing the mental preparation work
Always have a positive attitude toward lucid dreaming. Replace every doubt with a self-empowering belief. Then make dreaming a top priority as; the simple act of believing your dreams are essential will dramatically speed up your results. Cultivate your desire and enthusiasm to reach your goal. Also, know your purpose of being lucid.
Increasing dream recall
A few tips on increasing dream recall include waking up motionlessly and slowly; without letting any thoughts for the day come into your mind. Once you remember part of a dream, relax and allow the rest of the pieces to fall into place. Besides that, you can try different sleeping positions as the best recalls occurred; when you were lying in the same position when you were dreaming.
Keeping a dream journal
This habit of writing down your dreams will inform your subconscious mind that dreams are essential; which will aid in understanding your dreams. We will also recall dreams with greater clarity and detail, ultimately leading to lucid dreams.
Becoming familiar with your dreams
As your dream journal grows and dream recall increases, you will naturally become more familiar with your dreams. But, certain people, places, and activities are more likely to appear in your dreams. Identify your common dream signs. When a recall is complex, run down the list of dream signs and see if any will spark a memory.
Adding attention to your waking consciousness
If you are more conscious during the day, you will become more aware while dreaming. Be mindful of your thoughts and thinking patterns. To increase awareness, try meditating. People who meditate have a greater chance of having lucid dreams than non-meditators. Meditation induces states of relaxation and develops the ability to have detached awareness. In addition, conduct reality checks to see if you are dreaming or not.
Linking your awareness to your dreams
Combine what you have realized about your dreams with what you have learned about your awareness. Merge your reality checks with your dream signs so that whenever you encounter one of your dream signs; you automatically start doing reality checks. By accomplishing so, you will be laying a solid foundation for future lucid dreaming adventures.
These 6 easy steps are all interwoven into one basic process of lucid dreaming. Skipping any one step will diminish the effectiveness of all the other steps, and in turn; it will decrease the actual results of the entire process. Thus, practice them meticulously and consistently, and you will inevitably have a lucid dream.
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